7 Rules to Delegate Effectively

When you build and lead a business, you’ll be wearing many hats. You’ll have to play the role of a salesperson, an innovator, a financial manager, and a leader while you still have to deal with routine micro-tasks throughout the day. It can be fun at first, but eventually, this will start eating away at you. You’ll start working long hours, nights, and weekends, and you’ll never seem to make a dent in the ever-growing pile of tasks to accomplish.
In his book “No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs”, business coach and consultant Dan Kennedy reveal the steps behind making the most of your frantic, time-pressured days so you can turn time into money. In the book, the author explains why you can’t and shouldn’t do it all and how you learn to delegate to move on to more important tasks.
Delegating is as hard for entrepreneurs as telling the truth is for politicians. It’s downright unnatural. Why? Habit, for one thing. We create our businesses from scratch, do it all, and develop a way of doing things that we believe in, and that habit is hard to break. No one is ever going to do things the same way we do them.
For more information read this ebook or contact our best business mentor in Surat City.