TLC: Teach, Inspire, Lead, Transform
TLC is a community created by our Founder Murali Sundaram, Happyness Coach, with a Mission to create 100,000 world-class coaches and trainers. We help our members to develop their coaching skills, business & technology skills to achieve their fullest potential to transform 1 Million Lives
TLC is focused on guiding our members and creating WORLD-CLASS coaches and trainers. We help our members to develop their coaching and business skills to achieve their fullest potential.
Our vision is to create over 100,000 coaches all around the world and our mission is to develop WORLD-CLASS trainers. We aim to impact 1 MILLION lives positively.

We Help our Members become a Globally Certified Coach & Trainer, a Published Author , Online Course Creator, Membership Programs, Keynote Speaker & many more revenue-generating assets to Impact 1 Million Lives.

Our members meet each week at a pre-fixed time and help each other to implement business & technology strategies to grow their coaching & training business.

All members attend LIVE Online Master class bi monthly to further grow their business and tech marketing skills. More than 24 varieties of world class Implementation focused micro-workshops help our members to find their Niche area focus, business model and digital marketing skills.

Members get mobile app access to over 16+ world-class recorded courses to improve their coaching and training delivery, selling, book writing and publishing, online course design, social media marketing, and more. Our users may review daily learning with all LIVE class replay videos.

Members get the opportunity to One-2-One Peer Coaching Practice to sharpen their skills and receive critical feedback to expand their potential. All members get to build deeper relationships with the entire community within our private social community.

As a Coach/Trainer, one important skill we all need to learn is to Speak & Sell. Based on certain qualifying criteria, members become part of the Elite Speaker Club where they get exclusive coaching and handholding to sharpen their speaking skills.
TLC is an Implementation focused community guiding A.C.T.S. (Authors, Coaches, Trainers & Speakers) and creating WORLD-CLASS coaches and trainers. We help our members to develop their coaching and business skills to achieve their fullest potential. Our vision is to create over 100,000 coaches all around the world and our mission is to develop WORLD-CLASS trainers. We aim to impact 1 MILLION lives positively.

Murali Sundaram
Author, Happyness Coach®, Entrepreneur, Key Note Speaker, 22 years in the Training & Selling, Health Care & Wellness, NLP Trainer, Neurofeedback & Biofeedback Trainer, Specialist in Neuroscience-Yogic Science-Management Science & Pharmaceutical Science. Murali has till date successfully trained more than 323,000 Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Executives across 15 different countries on Happiness, Money & Leadership. He is the Head of Training for BNI India , Global Master Trainer for BNI, the world's largest referral organization with more than 270,000+ members across the globe. He is the Founder of “Teachers are Leaders Community” an Online Trainer’s Community helping Authors/Coaches/Trainers/Speakers to become a WorldClass Influencers and impact one million lives globally. He is currently helping 750+ Coaches & Trainers to Impact 1 Million Lives. He has created more than 1200+ Trainers & Authors so far.
Vice President
Nimish is an Entrepreneur with over 30 yrs of experience. He is a director at 3 companies & founder of 2 proprietary firms. He is an Amazon bestselling author of book named "The Power Of Being Organised". His Company, Prescient Strategist has trained over 10,000 people.